Statement of Safety Policy
The health and well-being of every employee, student and visitor to Hidalgo Independent School District is of vital importance. Our most valuable resource is our employees. The responsibility of our surroundings resides in all of us doing our part. To ensure the success of our safety and health process, HISD has safety policies and procedures that have been developed to minimize our injuries.
The district provides Workers Compensation coverage for all employees. If you have sustained a work-related injury, please notify your supervisor immediately. The District requires an injured employee to complete an injury report within 24hrs of the incident. The completed report should be signed by your supervisor and submitted to [email protected] and [email protected].
For additional information, contact the Risk Management Department at 956-843-4416.
HISD is continuously working to provide a safe environment for our staff, students, and visitors. Working safety and in accordance with established safety policies is an absolute requirement for all employees, supervisors and managers.
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